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2023-24 Projects


Our Presentations

As part of our project, we conduct presentations every 2 weeks that go over a different aspect of mental health and as well one type of art that benefits our mental health. Our presentations have taught and spread awareness about mental health and artistic positivity for numerous people every other week.

BOOsting Spirits
Collaboration with the Jed Foundation

BOOsting Spirits was our online fundraiser for the Jed Foundation, an organization that provides mental health resources to teens and young-adults in the US. We raised a total of $859 through this fundraiser.

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Halloween Night

Since our original Halloween Night was cancelled due to rainy weather, we set up a table for trick or treaters to get candy and spin a wheel to get prizes. This event promoted positive mental health and we were glad that so many people were able to find some joy from our table.

Merry Main Street
A Collaboration with Play Frisco

We had the pleasure of participating in Merry Main Street on December 2, 2023. Merry Main Street is an annual city-wide Christmas event hosted by Play Frisco. We had the opportunity to host 2 tables with crafts to promote mental positivity.


Rhythms Workshops
Collaboration with Able Mindset

We had the opportunity to partner with Able Mindset, an organization aiming to empower people with disabilities. Together, we hosted Rhythms Workshops in order to raise awareness about how different rhythms can impact mental health through art activities.

Coyote Art Expo
A Collaboration with Heritage HOSA

Our Coyote Art Expo was our in school whiteboard art wall, and we created this event to promote positivity and connect people in our school. At this event, we had a brief presentation about the impact of drawing on mental health and created a collaborative art wall with fellow students!


The Clean Canvas Project
A Collaboration with The Art Room

The Clean Canvas Project was an arts supplies drive that we hosted to support The Art Room, a non-profit organization that provides art therapy resources to people facing mental health challenges. Unlike a conventional arts drive, though, we collected cleaning supplies needed to keep their studio clean. We hosted the drive at our school over the course of two weeks and garnered nearly 200 supplies!

Special Arts Festival

A Collaboration with The Achievement Center of Texas

As part of the Special Arts Festival that the ACT (a non-profit organization that supports people with special needs) hosted, we sponsored an art activity table.


Spring Break Art Pop-Up

A Collaboration with Rocky's Art Work

We were a part of Ms. Raquelle Richard's (AKA Rocky's Artwork) Spring Break Art Pop-Up, an initiative to exhibit Ms. Richard's artwork and encourage community involvement in the arts. At this event, we hosted a table with spring-themed crafts.

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